How to import students and create a group from Google Classroom?


Learn how to use two new awesome features!

How to import students from Google Classroom?

Importing students from Google Classroom into ShowMe is a very useful feature when it comes to tracking your students’ progress in watching your lessons or assigning them to create a homework using ShowMe. It is also a very practical option when a new student joins your class – you don’t have to create a new group, just invite her/him to join the community!

As always we did our best to make the whole process easy and intuitive:

  1. Open one of your group where you want to import your students.
  2. Tap on the icon of students on the right side of the toolbar.
  3. Choose ‘Import from Google Classroom’. If you are not logged into your Google account you will be asked to do that.
  4. When logged, choose a Classroom from which you want to import students into a group.
  5. Choose students you want to add to your ShowMe group.

If your students already have their accounts in ShowMe, they will receive emails with information that you want to add them to a group. If they don’t have accounts in ShowMe they will receive emails with an invitation to join the community.

How to create a group from Google Classroom?

Creating a group from Google Classroom feature is extremely useful when you have to work with particular students from your class – either by giving them some extra attention for particular topic or by providing additional material and assigning advanced taskst This feature is also extremely helpful when it comes to group projects, you can very easily separate your students into smaller teams and track their progress in accomplish the task!

From now on, you don’t have to create a new group, and then add your students separately. Just import a group from Google Classroom and select students you want to add!

  1. Open ShowMe app.
  2. Tap on Groups feature.
  3. Tap on ‘+New Group’ option on the left side of the toolbar.
  4. Tap on ‘Create from Google Classroom’. If you are not logged into your Google account you will be redirected to a logging website.
  5. After choosing a group, decide which students you want to add to a new group. You can mark them all or select particular persons.

Let us know if you find this feature useful and what would you like us to improve! Contact the customer service or just text our team on Facebook or Twitter if you have any questions or comments.
