Friday Round-up


Starting this week we are beginning a Friday Round-up. These are some interesting blog posts and articles we have stumbled upon over the course of the week and though were share-worthy!

Amidst Chaos, 15 Minutes of Quiet Time Helps Focus Students

This article takes us to Visitacion Valley Middle School in South San Francisco,

practices a non-traditional behavior management method. Students are given 15 minutes of “quiet time” per day, where they are able to relax quietly in a meditative way. Since implementing this method the school has seen higher test scores, improved daily attendance rates and fewer suspensions.

As Digital Tools Abound, Help Kids Self-Regulate

The many new innovations in educational technology are really fantastic, but if we do not teach children and students the important skills of self-regulation (the ability to set goals and have initiative to complete them) the students may often use this technology as a distraction from educational tasks. The article gives helpful ways to assist our students learn self-regulation skills.

Do You Write with Your Students?

Rebecca Alber discusses the importance of teachers writing side-by-side with students to help them improve their literacy skills. If students have a writing workshop teachers should participate as well. This demonstrates to students the importance of what they are learning, because their teacher is also continuing to work on their writing, editing and proofreading skills. (I personally believe this goes for so many forms of education. Remind your students that you are also learning and also constantly striving to improve your learning skills, just like them!)

Creating Your Own Major, From ‘Keeping It Real’ to ‘Grand Romantic Gestures’

This article discusses the viability of independent study programs, which have grown more popular in recent years at several colleges and universities in the United States. (NYU’s Gallatin school is probably the most famous individualized study program.) Individualized study allows motivated students to pursue multiple interests outside the contraints of a typical major. But it can also be overwhelming and lack the structure some students enjoy about typical undergraduate programs.

 Please share interesting articles or blogs that you have found recently in the comments!