Monday reading list


We had a long and restful weekend here at ShowMe HQ which means, it’s the perfect time to get caught up on education news from the past week. Here are some of the articles from our reading list:

iPad in Education: Here to stay or passing fad? 

Building off of our discussion last week, here is some great research showing the short term benefits to iPads in the classroom. How do we continue to assess these?

Questions about Virtual School’s Effectiveness

Many virtual schools already face an uphill battle in ensuring students succeed because many attendees turn to virtual schooling as a last resort when traditional schooling is not working for them. Should we judge them by the same standards?

Principals Protest Role of Testing in Evaluations

The new standards required for Race to the Top funding have caused many educators around New York State to protest and call out for change. How do you think principals should evaluate faculty?

How About Better Parents?

It is very clear that that teachers are extremely important and have a large impact on student success. However a statistic that is constantly overlooked in the news is parent involvement in a student’s education. Feeling supported at home goes a long way to making a difference at school.

The Other Student Loan Problem: Too Little Debt

Is there such thing as too little debt? Will even the slightest amount of support in the form of students loan have an impact on graduation rates? Huffington Post investigates.




