March 2012 Bulletin!
In This Month’s Issue:
1. ShowMe 2.0 is out–with loads of new features!
2. The ShowMe story: spreading our mission!
3. Get connected with the ShowMe community, in person or online!
4. Our Awesome ShowMe Ambassadors
ShowMe 2.0: Full of new tools and features to keep it awesome!
We’ve been working hard since our last release to improve ShowMe so that it can have an even bigger impact on learning and teaching. We listened to all of you and made some massive changes, bringing many of the best aspects of the website straight into the app.
Searching: You can now search the entire ShowMe library from within the app! Looking for help conjugating French verbs? Type it in to the search box, pick from the results, and get your learning on! Searching for a subject and realize you want to keep learning more? After you search, you can also follow any topic or teacher to keep up to date on all of the lessons created!
New Profile: We’re expanding your ShowMe profile in the app to give you a lot more options. View all the ShowMes you’ve ever posted even if they’re no longer on your iPad. Browse the ShowMes you’ve liked or saved to watch later. Unlock knowledge by discovering new videos posted by friends or by simply browsing the topics you follow.
Editing your ShowMe: This is a big one! You can now edit a ShowMe once it has been saved by trimming out mistakes or unnecessary information. You can even trim a long ShowMe into shorter clips and save each one individually!
If you’re just getting started with ShowMe or looking to learn more about each of these new features, check out our recently expanded How-to section of the blog. We’re also continuing to host weekly community video chats on Wednesdays at 5PM EST. To join the next one, please RSVP here for an invite!
The ShowMe story!
In February we visited two classrooms in the NYC area to document how they were using ShowMe and how it has been a tool to help them increase their impact. We used what we learned to tell The ShowMe Story–how we got started and what we’re all about! A huge thanks to George Mauer, Jenn Maichin, and Courtney Zaleski at Mineola Middle School as well as Dana Hagan and John Colford at JFK Intermediate School!
Get connected with the ShowMe community!
We love meeting members of the community and helping to make a difference so, this spring we’ll be hitting the road to continue doing just that. Here are just some of the events that our team or members of our community will be attending. If you have any questions, ideas, feedback or just looking for great conversation, be sure to find one of us!
Join the ShowMe Ambassadors!
Last month we put out a call for ShowMe Ambassadors, looking for members of our community to help spread the ShowMe mission. Our inbox was filled with applications and we’re so pleased to announce that we’ve selected our first group of Ambassadors! They have already started writing for the blog about their experiences in education, helping to curate all of the awesome videos that are uploaded to the site, and teaching workshops to peers about the great things that ShowMe can do!
Thanks Kyo, Dana, Mike, Gregory, Ixchell, Marko, and Pedro for all of your hard work so far! We’re so excited to have you on board!
Sound like something you are interested in? We’re still looking for a few more Ambassadors so don’t hesitate to apply today!
Please feel free to reach out to us via email, Twitter, or Facebook with ideas and feedback!
All the best,
The ShowMe Team