Educational App Store ShowMe Review


Upon opening the app the user is taken through a set of guided instructions that help you understand the application and its interface. Although it is an option we recommend that you create an account to truly appreciate the capabilities of this app.

A simple press of the record button and you are creating your first ShowMe presentation. The tools here are adequate with the ability to use text, colour, add images and an eraser. This can be somewhat limited and sometimes the presentations created are only as good as the presenter or artist, more tools are available through the premium service.  The app could benefit from a clip art tool here. The presentation can be enhanced by using the voice over feature to explain your thoughts as you present and draw. Once the ShowMe presentation has been created you can save this as a draft, for further editing, or a finished presentation. We found the app slightly frustrating that once saved it then asks you to add to a topic for others to access and posts the presentation, you can only save this privately if you sign up for the premium service. However, what we need to stress is the potential of this app has to engage teaching and learning. As a teacher if you are planning a lesson keep in mind its versatility and potential for homework tasks and flipped-class applications. A maths problem solved by a teacher can be played back by the student time and time again in class and at home. This has great potential for parents to learn the topic as well.

The developers can be congratulated on the potential that ShowMe has to offer for both teaching and learning. The online ShowMe community has embraced this application and teachers from all over the globe are sharing presentations. This is a fantastic app that comes highly recommended by the Educational App Store.

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