InspireMe Contest Highlights (Pt 2)


We met the first batch of InspireMe talent in last week’s blog post – check it out! Part 2 showcases more of the fantastic contest entries along with the creators behind the lessons. We can’t wait to see what’s coming next as we enter the school year in full-swing!

InspireMe Contestants

Terry Woolard
Watch now! The State of New Jersey

The State of New JerseyTell us about yourself
My name is Terry Woolard and I am the Supervisor of Educational Media and Technology K-12 Online Learning. I hold a Masters Degree in both Curriculum and Instruction as well as Information System Management.

What inspires you?
What inspires me is watching the faces of my students light up when they understand something for the first time, when they realize they are able to achieve, succeed, Be Better. I am happily married and the father of five, four boys 16, 14, 8, and 5; and a girl 6.

Brian Davis
Watch now! Gerrymandering

GerrymanderingTell us about yourself
My name is Brian Davis, and this is my 9th year teaching in Memphis City Schools in innercity Memphis, TN. I taught computer literacy to middle school students for five years, and I am currently teaching U.S. Government to 11th and 12th Graders at Whitehaven High School where I also serve as the school webmaster. I completed the process for National Board Certification this past year, and I am waiting to hear whether or not I passed this December. I love using Showme, because it enables me to provide instruction to my students on their own time at their own pace, allowing me to give them more remediation and different learning activities during classtime that was being used for instruction. The ease of getting the videos to the website is a HUGE plus.

What inspires you?
I am inspired by seeing the faces of my students who dreaded Government because it is boring light up when they see that Government is a fascinating topic when it is taught with enthusiasm and a heavy dose of multimedia and technology. Students tell me all the time that they did not want to take Government and they took it only because it is required for graduation, but that they ended up learning more from this class than any other class because it is interactive. This really excites/inspires me.

James Sutton
Watch now! The bloomtrigger project

The Bloomtrigger ProjectTell us about yourself
My passion is in architecture, design, digital concepts and rainforest conservation. This has led me to launch ‘the bloomtrigger project’ as a revolutionary way for people to protect their own part of the rainforest. To discover more check out Little known facts about me… I’m learning (Brazilian) Portuguese, I keep bees and I’m part bionic (I have a mechanical heart valve).

What inspires you?
Baz Luhrmann “Don’t worry about the future; or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum.” I agree with Baz Luhrmann on this, I think worrying is pointless. You’re much better spending your energy on thinking up creative solutions for problems rather than worrying about them. This one thing that inspires me why to develop simple, affordable and creative tools to help people to protect rainforest and I think Showme is an excellent example of an empowering educational tool.

Janine Ritter
Watch now! Chain Rule

Chain RuleTell us about yourself
I’m a secondary maths teacher from Brisbane Australia. I was fortunate to attend the ISTE conference this year and this inspired me to produce flip lessons for my math classes. The students view these lessons before my class so I only have to spend a little time at the board and the students have more time to work on questions in class. The students have responded well to the lessons and have told me they have also used them for revision as well.

Ben Black
Watch now! Metric Conversions

Metric ConversionsTell us about yourself
I am a middle school science teacher in a magnet program that focuses on Foreign Language and Global Studies. I have been teaching public school for 5 years and did some corporate training prior to teaching. I am a big proponent of technology in classrooms and I am creatively trying to incorporate high-tech teaching in a low-tech environment.

What inspires you?
I am inspired by the opportunity to show students how much more they can be and by seeing them increase their expectations of themselves.

And last but not least, the proud winner of a brand new iPad2! Congratulations to Nadia Bennett from London!

Nadia Bennett
Watch now! A level Photosynthesis

A Level PhotosynthesisTell us about yourself
I’m a student studying adult nursing. I used to do tutoring for maths because I loved the subject. I love philosophy and for my Alevel got the highest result in the country. I enjoy exploring London and relaxing with friends and family. I do a lot of volunteering, I am a member of RNIB and work at an after school club for asylum seekers and refugees. I also am a qualified st johns ambulance first aider. I have successfully published poems because I enjoy writing. I also came 5th in the country (england) for a science competition

Future plans for ShowMe?
I will definitely do more presentations, no doubt about it. I loved the app, and it’s awesome because it helps me teach easier.

Biggest challenges for teachers?
Big challenges for teachers are finding ways to maintain the students attention, and explain difficult work in a smooth and effective way.

When you were younger, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to be a doctor when I was younger or a nurse. Currently I am pursuing the nursing career 😀

What inspires you?
God inspires me, I am a religious person. Also my parents, they are a great inspiration to me 😀 I love them 🙂
