Connecting ShowMe community members around the world!


When we decided to create a community for ShowMe, we had one main goal: To allow educators and students from around the world to connect with each other and extend their impact beyond the place they lived. We’re working hard to make that happen and  so I was really excited when I received an email recently received from a ShowMe community member.

Michael Mitchell, a ShowMe teacher that I admire and who’s classroom I have visited, is a Japanese Language Teacher in New Providence, NJ. He has created 45 excellent lessons so far that are proving to be extremely helpful to his students and now, to students across the globe! He sent me an email last week to let me know that he’d just been contacted by Anna Yamaura, an awesome Japanese Language Teacher from Australia. Her students have been using Michael’s ShowMe lessons to study and have found them very useful too! How cool is that? Hopefully this will lead to some great collaboration projects for the two classrooms.

I definitely want to encourage everyone to connect with the teachers that have been making your favorite ShowMes and let them know how they’ve helped you. Subscribe to them to be updated with future lessons so you can continue expanding your knowledge!
