Join ShowMe Community on Social Media

Follow ShowMe on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter

ShowMe’s positive impact on your classroom is immediate and easy to see: students engage and take ownership over their content, your content can be divided up amongst different groups to facilitate focused learning, and the flipped classroom model ties everything together into a neat package. However, ShowMe’s indisputably most valuable asset is you.

The ShowMe community is the single most important product of ShowMe. By bringing educators together under the same technological pretense, ShowMe is able to adapt and grow to fit the needs of students everywhere. When you share a public ShowMe with your friends, for example, you aren’t just impacting them—you’re adding to the collective resources of ShowMe, and, by extension, educators across the globe.


It’s impossible to deny the potential of the ShowMe community, especially given the recently launched ShowMe Instagram page. We’re putting together a collection of our most prolific, touching, and inspirational moments, and we’d like for you to be a part of it.

Your Role in ShowMe Community

As a community, ShowMe’s population is so much more than just a social network comprised of educators. Every piece of content that gets uploaded to the ShowMe database is a step toward a simple, rewarding educational experience for the ShowMe audience, and every interaction between community members represents another bond that strengthens the foundation on which ShowMe was built.

By sharing your ShowMe story, you can show others how strong that foundation is.

The primary goal behind the ShowMe Instagram page is similar to the intent behind most social media pages: to generate engagement from the community. Unlike similar social media pages, however, the reason behind this intent is based in communal growth; we want to hear about your richest ShowMe experiences because they further ShowMe’s potential as both a community tool and as a classroom tool.

As the community continues to grow, we’d like to invite you to take part in the discussion on this page. It’s also worth noting that ShowMe updates will continue to be announced on both Instagram and Twitter, making it worth your while to follow and engage with the official ShowMe account on both platforms.

Of course, the most useful aspect of such a community gathering is the potential for collaboration. ShowMe’s community is made up of people working toward a common goal, both content-wise and for education in general. As such, we have the opportunity to bring together the most inspirational members of the community in order to share winning tips, techniques, and content examples.

Join ShowMe Community on Social Media Today!

Official ShowMe updates, examples of strategies, and tips on how you can make the most out of your account will also be present, so head over to the page as soon as possible and start participating in the discussion. Join ShowMe Community on Instagram.

