ShowMe of the Month: Independence Day

In July we couldn’t feature any other topic that Independence Day! On our platform, you can find many marvelous lessons about this topic, but our attention was caught by a video created by a student, Jack Colt.
Jack prepared a presentation for his history class homework, where he explained the circumstances of this special day.
The video starts with a description of signing the Declaration of Independence in 1776. Jack shows the actual photo of the Declaration. The document was written to the king of England Arthur III, and it included a request of the immediate proclamation of independence of the United States of America.
Jack points out signatures of all the Founding Fathers, among others George Washington, John Adams, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, and John Jay. According to his knowledge, Thomas Jefferson played a major role in gaining independence.
In his video, Jack inserted many images that help to visualize the subject. He even shared the lyrics of the first paragraph of the National Anthem.
If you would like your students to design such wonderful homework, make sure to create accounts for them! If you have any questions, drop us a line at!