Premium Classroom Account’s Features


The ShowMe team always tries to meet needs of all users! We have received a lot of requests to create an account for teachers who want to share more lessons and provide their students with the best opportunity to collect, share and acquire knowledge. In order to make sure all our educators take the most from the experience of using the ShowMe app, we created a special premium account: Classroom!

Users who decide to try this package keep all Premium User features and get way much more! What Premium Classroom includes? Let’s see…

More cloud storage

With Premium Classroom account you receive 300 hours of cloud storage. It 6 times more than with a regular premium account! It means that you can upload unlimited amount of ShowMes which in total can last 300 hours. Now, you will never have to limit yourself, just let your imagination run wild and create as many lessons as you want.

More time for subtitles and Closed Captioning

You will be able to create subtitles and CC for 1000 minutes of your lesson. It 10 times more than with a regular premium account! Help your students to understand you more effectively, and improve an experience of learning for students with disabilities. 

All your students accounts will become premium users

It means that they will be able to upload an unlimited amount of ShowMes, download their creation on their personal devices, create groups and courses. Isn’t this awesome? Now they can share their knowledge even more efficiently, and groups projects have never been easier to organize.

Don’t hesitate and try this amazing package of features! If you have any questions contact the customer support (  and get all the information you need.
