Skype + ShowMe in the classroom!


Today I had the great pleasure of Skyping with Josh Rosenberg’s classroom in Shelby, NC. It was totally awesome! To give you some background, Josh is a High School Biology teacher and blogs on his site StudyDesigned. We met via the interwebs when he wrote a great post about how his 10th graders are using ShowMe!

Talking to educators like Josh and his students is what really fires me up as the Community Manager at ShowMe because it reminds me of the real reason ShowMe is here: to make a difference in education every day. Talking to the class today reminded me that there is still TONS I can learn from classrooms and about what drives student inquiry. However, one thing that is constantly emphasized to me is that learning something new from another person is inspiring and it drives change. I’ve travelled to North Carolina once in my life so I admittedly don’t know much, however through the magic of Skype I was able to connect briefly with a classroom of great people and gain an understanding of life somewhere else. Hopefully, the students at Shelby High School feel the same way! Having an experience like I did today definitely influences our ideas as we continue to build ShowMe.

So, students and teachers, ShowMe wants to hear from you. We want to Skype your classroom and get feedback one what kind of learning works for you. We’ve got tons of questions for you but also want to answer yours as well! They can be about anything– about us, NYC, startups or technology, we’re open to everything and here to help.

