Featured Community Member: Meet Kris Hoppel!


I first spoke to Kris in October when she was just getting started with ShowMe. Since then, Kris has had her nose to the grindstone at school and created some really awesome ShowMe lessons! We’re proud to have her as a member of our community and excited to have her share her knowledge with all of you! To view Kris’s ShowMe Library, visit her profile and get your learning on!

Tell us about yourself!

I am a ’91 graduate of Penn State University with a BS in Secondary Math Education.  I have taught for 15 years in both public and private schools.  I have taught in Spotsylvania County, Va for 8 years, and the last 7 years at an independent private school, Fredericksburg Academy – in Fredericksburg, VA.  I teach high school students and have taught from pre-algebra to calculus.  I am currently teaching geometry, trigonometry, and calculus.  I would say my favorite subject right now is calculus.  This is the first year I have taught calculus and I am really enjoying relearning and working all the problems – my students just shake their head! (so does my husband)

How do you use ShowMe?

I have used show me to review problems in class – students can work problems then watch the solutions – this allows me to roam through the room and help those who need it, while the other students can continue to work and see solutions worked out.  Additionally, I have used it to demonstrate problems students have had difficulty in class or re-explain topics.  Just recently I have started to search out other calculus problems for my students to go home and listen to.  I think this provides them with alternative descriptions to solve a problem.  I also have started watching the calculus problems to pick up on any key points that I might not have taken into consideration – since it is my first year teaching the subject.   I am trying to figure out how I want to hand over my ipad and have the students create some showmes!

What’s the coolest ShowMe you’ve seen?

Currently, the only showmes I have been watching are the math showmes basically because that is all I have time for I think they are all great!

How has technology made a difference for your students?

Technology is something I find myself catching up with to the students, however, this year I am really branching out in all directions.  I think that technology is having a huge impact on how to present topics differently to better help all of my students.  I have used technology to do short online quizzes to help students have immediate feedback.  I believe the use of technology in class can only help my students.

Where do you see education technology heading?

I see technology having the potential to helping teachers to reach all students.  Technology is improving at an alarming rate and it is imperative to help our students to be able to work and adapt in this ever changing age.  With that said it is also imperative for teachers to receive training and administrators and school districts to help move us in that direction.

When you’re not teaching and learning, what can we find you doing?

My favorite things to do when not teaching is hanging out with my family.  I have two children, Jake, a sophomore in high school, and Annmarie, a seventh grader in Middle School.  I like to Jazzercise, run, and read.

