Friday Round-up


Have a great weekend everyone!

At Flex Academy, High School Mimics the Workplace

Flex Academy, in San Francisco is using a unique approach to teach their students. The school mimics a standard office work environment. Each student is given a cubicle and they do the majority of their work online. They can move through the curriculum at their own pace and their homework, assessments and grades are all tracked in an online dashboard that can be viewed by their educators and parents. Is this new style revolutionary? Or is it forcing our students to mimic a stifling work environment, without sports, clubs and activities, at too young an age?

18 Amazing Examples of G+ Hangouts in Education
This is an awesome list of great ways to use Google+ hangouts to connect with others for education, compiled by

Why all colleges should think of themselves as women’s colleges
The US State department has joined with five women’s colleges to start the Women in Pubic Service Project. This project envisions that by 2050 women will hold at least 50% of the worlds political and civic leadership positions. In this article Kim Bottomly, president of Wellesley, asks that any school that has females students and hopes for these women becoming integral 21st century leaders, should think of themselves as women’s colleges.

Teaching Children the Value of Pre-Web Pages
The Morgan Book Project is a program for students grades 3-7 that provides authentic materials (like spinach and dried insects to use as dye) for students to create their own medieval renaissance-inspired illuminated manuscripts. This project has helped the students gain a greater appreciation for published books and a better understanding of museum work from this time period. In a time where everyone is focusing on digital classrooms I thought this was a really interesting concept.

Share your opinions and post interesting articles you’ve read in the comments!
