Make your ShowMe Standout!


ShowMe is just as much about creating a learning community as it is about creating lessons. Because of this, If you create awesome ShowMe lessons we want you to share them with as many people as possible in our community! There are a few things you can do to make your ShowMe more likely to gain views.

1. Make a Clear, Informative Title. The title of a ShowMe says a lot. Make sure your title clearly states what we will learn. Also, try to include words you think people would type in when searching for ShowMes on your topic.

2. Make your ShowMe Public and Include Topics. When you upload your ShowMe to the site from the iPad make sure you list your ShowMe as public!!! Otherwise others will not be able to view your ShowMe. When you upload your ShowMe you will also be able to include topics. Let’s say you taught a lesson on Fractions, you can add the topics “Math” and “Fractions” when uploading. This will guarentee that your ShowMe appears in search results when people type “Fractions” or “Math” into the search bar. You can also follow topics, and anyone who is following those two topics could see your ShowMe in their recommendations list.

3. Be Interactive. People are more likely to see your ShowMe if you watch the ShowMes of others! If you enjoyed the ShowMe of another user make sure you let them know by clicking the “Like” button on their page. Follow users that create lessons you love, and add users you know as Friends. If you are interactive with users in the ShowMe community you are more likely to have others notice you as well.

4. Keep Your ShowMe Short and Concise. Never make a ShowMe longer than needed. People enjoy watching short, informative lessons. But, with that in mind, don’t sacrifice the quality and content of your ShowMe in an attempt to keep in brief. If you have an extensive topic you want to teach, consider creating sevearal ShowMes on different parts of the lesson instead of one long ShowMe. It is important that a stand-out ShowMe is able to maintain viewer engagement.

5. Spruce up your Profile. After people watch your awesome ShowMe they will hopefully begin subscribing to you and watching other ShowMes you create! Be sure to add a profile image and a short bio about yourself and why you use ShowMe!



