How a Psychiatrist uses ShowMe in his practice


ShowMe is not only a tool designed to be used in schools! It can be implemented in any kind of circumstance that requires explaining a subject, or independent work with a student. ShowMe team does its best to provide a great service beyond classroom walls and help out educators and workers of different backgrounds. One of our ShowMe users happens to be a psychiatrist and technology enthusiast!

Meet Dr. Adel Serag, a Senior Consultant Psychiatrist, who has been using ShowMe in his practice for many years to simplifying the subjects to patients. Doctor Serag takes full advantage of existing technology to increase patients’ awareness. He uses ShowMe in three ways: to explain to his patients the issue, to support parents with children with disabilities, and to prepare presentations and courses for his colleagues.

Dr. Serag creates ShowMes for patients with an explanation of issues they are going through and particular problems that need to be solved. Visualizing the difficulty gives a better idea of what is going on and what is the next step in their medical treatment.

As he told us, ShowMe was an extremely helpful tool while working with kids who are either slow learners or suffer from ADHD. Interactive whiteboards support the learning process of children with the focusing problem or those who need some extra help in mastering the topic. Apps such as ShowMe provide beneficial features like generating subtitles or analytics to track the progress of students, that are priceless when it comes to working with special needs students.

Many parents have been taught by Dr. Serag that educational technology could solve some of their child’s learning issues. ShowMe is one of the apps he recommends to try out to create study materials, and simply have fun while learning!

Dr. Serag confesses that he uses ShowMe not only to help his patients but also to create courses for his colleagues and presentation for meetings. His favorite features are: voice recording possibilities, saving creations as drafts, and inserting images from different sources.

Practices of Dr. Serag prove that educational technology solution goes beyond the school, and can be introduced in any field that requires explaining an issue. Medicine is a great example of how comprehensive and subservient interactive whiteboards can be.

If you are looking for more inspiration, make sure to read stories of other ShowMe educators:

How a French language teacher from Louisville uses ShowMe in the classroom

How a 4th-grade teacher from Pittsburgh uses EdTech in the classroom

And if you would like to tell us about the way you use our app, drop us a line at We will be happy to publish your story!

