Featured User #1: Meet Joe Erpelding


Featured User - Joe ErpeldingWe’re excited to present today our first ShowMe Featured User! Meet Joe Erpelding, a principal/teacher in California who has created several awesome math ShowMes including one of our personal favorites, Compare and Order Whole Numbers.

Visit Joe’s awesome ShowMe Portfolio: http://www.showmeapp.com/user5377

Can you tell us a little about what you do?
I’m a principal at an elementary school in California. I also teach math there.

How are you and the teachers at your school using ShowMe?
I really like the idea of having two people talk to each other during a ShowMe. My son is usually with me in my videos, and he and I can talk about common misconceptions people have. Right now we’ve only made videos about math, but we hope to create some science lessons soon.

Other teachers at our school plan on using ShowMe to implement a partially flipped classroom starting next year. The lessons will be level specific instead of grade specific. We’ll start pushing out more content around August in preparation for school.

What’s the coolest ShowMe you’ve seen?
I’ve seen a lot of math ones, but I get really excited about science ones. I also really liked the sports strategy ShowMes.


What’s your go-to late-night snack?
Orville Redenbacher popcorn. Movie butter.

Do you ever sing in the shower?
No, my kids might think I’m psychotic.

If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
Hawaii because of the laid back feel, beaches, and occasional rain.

Interested in being featured or have a ShowMe user you’d like to learn more about? Email us at info [at] showmeapp.com
