Innovative education, it’s everywhere!


Since our launch, we have seen many thoughtful, informative and innovative lessons uploaded to the site. We continue to be impressed with our community every day! I wanted to take this opportunity to highlight a few ways ShowMe is being used by our community of educators.

These examples come from Brette in Melbourne, Australia. As stated in her bio, Brette is a “Primary school teacher looking to use ShowMe for student-centered learning”. We’re excited to have her as part of our community! You can follow Brette on twitter @brettelockyer and on her class blog.

Writer’s workshop conferences: This is a great way to help students get feedback from their peers and build their portfolio of writing. I love the idea of students interacting with the iPad as a class and marking up the text.

Reader’s workshop and assessment: Brette let me know that she sent home this type of ShowMe home to parents to let them know where their child was at with their reading level. For the student, this is such a valuable way to remember what they’ve been taught and also a great way to reflect. Awesome to see “chunking” on the ipad!
