How-to: Use ShowMe as a center in the classroom


On one of the school visits that San and I have been taking lately we visited a 9th grade Algebra classroom to learn more about the types of learning taking place on a daily basis. Our wonderful hosts at FDR High School were Brian Halling and Arisa King, who welcomed us enthusiastically to watch how they used ShowMe with their students.

Like many schools out there, FDR only has one iPad in each math classroom. However, Brian and Anita didn’t let the scarcity of iPads limit them, instead they showed us how they use ShowMe as part of centers and group work. How cool! Here are instructions for you to adapt to use ShowMe as part of center time in your classroom!

  1. Create or find a ShowMe on your iPad about a short concept that you want your students to learn about in class. Don’t forget to upload it to the site or send them the link so they can watch it at home after class!
  2. When its time for centers or group work, break up your class into small groups. Depending on the size of your class you could have more, but groups of about 3-5 students should work
  3. At the ShowMe center, have students watch the lesson you created. Allow time for them to watch it a few times, and answer questions about what they are learning as they go along.
  4. Once they’ve completed watching the lesson you’ve assigned, have them create their own ShowMe of what they just learned and save it for e-portfolios, to aid in future assignments or for them to show off to their friends and family!
Has anyone tried using ShowMe in centers for their class?