Our first school visit!


On Thursday morning San and I had the pleasure of visiting the 4th grade Town Hall meeting at United Nations International School. The room was filled with 100 students and their teachers who listened closely as we talked about how ShowMe got started, our plans for the future and how to use it. Everyone had great questions and feedback, they were all clearly very critical design conscious app users!

The best part of the morning was when we started talking about how we built ShowMe and how applications get designed. The discussion opened up a can of worms! All of the students were excitedly declaring that they wanted to build apps and sharing their ideas with each other. We’re happy to have inspired the next generation of entrepreneurs!

Visiting UNIS was a completely eye opening experience for us. We were able to gain some first hand experience on how classrooms function and that knowledge is completely invaluable as we think about how to build the best possible tools to serve them. We also learned that students are the best user testers and full of refreshing imagination!

If your class is free for a visit, we’d love to come by!
