March round up and our InspireMe contest!
In This Month’s Issue:
1. InspireMe contest! Details on how to show off your skills!
2. Tutorials and use cases for ShowMe
3. We want to meet you!
ShowMe InspireMe contest!
ShowMe is excited to show off all of the great lesssons that have been shared to the community and we’re looking for more superstar teacher to add to the already impressive library!
We’re setting up the ShowMe InspireMe contest to do just that. We’ve selected 6 categories across the community for you create ShowMes in. We want YOU to show off your knowledge skills and help students around the world have access to excellent resources. Lets make the possibilities for learning endless!
Rules are Simple:
- Teach something AMAZING!
- When you’re done, save, tag and upload your ShowMe then send it us on Twitter or Facebook. Make sure to include #InspireMe when you share! Bonus points go to anyone submitting more than one ShowMe in a series.
The steps to winning are in your hands. Let your students, colleagues, aunts and uncles know that you are an awesome teacher. Send them the link to your ShowMe and make sure they vote by clicking the Like button on the page. Encourage them to vote for ShowMes in other categories too! We’ll keep track of your likes and be publicizing the leaders every day. On April 14th, we’ll announce the winners!
Now that you’ve got the details, get to work! Submitting past ShowMes is encouraged, the more the merrier! Full details on the InspireMe Contest here.
Tutorials and use cases!
We’ve been hard at work with the help of our Ambassadors bringing you the best ways to use ShowMe. Be sure to check the blog and our brand new Tutorial and Use Case sections to help you maximize how-to use ShowMe. If you have your own ideas to submit, please let us know!
This evergrowing resource includes:
- How-to prepare before recording
- How-to make your ShowMe stand out!
- How-to email a ShowMe directly to your Evernote notebook
- How-to use ShowMe with Google forms for Formative assessments!
We love our community and we want to meet you!
Here are just some of the events that our team or members of our community will be attending. If you have any questions, ideas, feedback or just looking for great conversation, be sure to find one of us!
4/28: EdCamp Boston @ Microsoft NERD, Cambridge, MA
Start submitting your entries for the ShowMe today! If you’re new to ShowMe or just want to chat, make sure to RSVP for our weekly community video chat!
Please feel free to reach out to us via email, Twitter, or Facebook with ideas and feedback!
All the best,
The ShowMe Team