How a 4th Grade Math Teacher Flipped Classroom with ShowMe

Meet Frank Briganti, a 4th-grade math teacher who implemented flipped classroom into his teaching process. ‘I have been using ShowMe to post tutorial math videos on my class website for several years’ he says. He finds educational technology as a wonderful learning and teaching tool, which brings interactivity on both levels: among students, and between students and a teacher. Frank admits, ‘The interactivity is engaging, fun and educational!’.
Importing files & working offline
When asked how he prepares his lesson, he answers ‘I simply scan the math workbook pages or other supplemental pages used in the lesson and bring them into ShowMe’. This is all possible thanks to a feature of importing files to ShowMe and working on them as slides. The teacher can import PowerPoint presentation, .exel, .doc or .pdf files from Dropbox or Google Drive, and use them as part of the lesson, or as material to be explained with recorded voice and additional marks!
Frank also points out another reason why he chooses ShowMe, he explains ‘I have used other interactive whiteboard apps and ShowMe is my choice because I can save the videos outside of ShowMe and store them as needed’. This awesome feature is very useful while working offline. ShowMe allows you, after creating your lessons, to download them directly to your device. Slides will be saved as .pdf file and videos as .mp4. It is a great solution when the internet connection at school is weak or you have an outdoor class, just take your ShowMes with you and work offline!
Whiteboards come to life
‘ShowMe makes those whiteboards come to life. I enjoy ShowMe and the interactivity it brings to my teaching’, he admits. Frank and his teaching methods are an example of a success in using new technologies in education processes. Don’t hesitate and try ShowMe app in your classroom! Learn more about all available features and benefits they can bring. ShowMe offers a 30-days free Premium trial so you can try all the features Frank tells about!