Introducing: Google Classroom integration features


Integration with Google Classroom goes even further! We’re taking another big step in our partnership with Google Classroom to improve the experiences of teachers who use our products together.

Till now you were able to share your videos and slides in a class you are assigned to. ShowMe expands integration with Google Classroom in two awesome ways: now you can import students from Google Classroom to a group in ShowMe, and you can also create a new group in ShowMe based on one of the already existing classes in Google Classroom.

These two new ShowMe features let you keep all students on one page, track their progress, and gives them an opportunity to create their own ShowMes and share them in Google Classroom.

Check the tutorials to learn how to use these new features! If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact the customer service or just text our team on Facebook or Twitter.

How to import students and create a group from Google Classroom?

How to share ShowMes in Google Classroom?
