Making the flip


As mentioned yesterday, there was a conversation bubbling from the overflow of #edchat about flipped classrooms. Many great resources were shared and we thought it would be helpful to post them all here!

The flipped classroom (or #flipclass on twitter) is a movement started by Jon Bergmann and Aaron Sams, two high school teachers in Colorado. However a similar method of teaching, named the Thayer Method, was pioneered in the early 19th century at West Point. The idea is that at home, students watch videos, lectures, demonstrations created by teachers which saves class time for discussion, labs, and activity. Thanks @ccassinelli for this definition!

A great video explaining how a flipped class works and why it might work for you!

So, where do you start you ask? Right here! First, Jon and Sam cover helpful information about beginning the process of flipping your classroom. There is also the Flipped Class Network, a social network for flip classroom teachers, or check out Principal Greg Green’s blog on how they are flipping their Michigan high school. For essential resources across the internet, Jerry Blumengarten has got you covered on his flip class site.

How do you plan on using ShowMe in your class to help you make the flip? We’d love to hear and see examples!
