Essential rules while flipping classroom


You have probably realized that today’s students prefer interactive whiteboards than traditional in-class lectures. There is no other way: you have to flip your classroom! Don’t waste precious time with your students on explaining the topic. Ask them to watch the lesson at home instead of solving homework problems, which you can do together during the class!

Not sure where to start? We have prepared for you three rules which cover essential aspects of a flipped classroom:


At first, decide on technology! There are plenty of awesome tools which can help you flip your classroom. Don’t be afraid of experimenting, and trying different apps. Remember that you don’t have to use only one of them! Find your favorite features and implement them for particular topics, or teaching processes. You can have one app for recording your videos, second for examination students, and the third used as a platform for communicating and chatting!


Don’t improvise – flipped classroom requires a lot of preparation. It will all bring a bunch of benefits in the process of requiring knowledge by your students, but before it happens make sure you are ready. If the tool you use requires an internet connection, make sure all your students have access to it. Prepare a few lessons ahead before starting: schedule topics, record your lessons with an interactive whiteboard, and plan classroom activities.

Guideline for students

It is necessary to introduce educational technology to your students before you flip your classroom. You need to be sure they are all fluent in using apps you decided on and know how to operate them. Dedicate few hours on guiding them through apps, and explaining how do they work. Make it clear how new order of homework, and preparing for classes will look since now. Ask each of them if they understand it, and know how to use particular features of tools you are planning to use.

Hopefully, our tips will help you out while planning flipping the classroom. Let us know if we miss something, or if there are some topics you would like us to cover on the ShowMe blog!
