How a math teacher from Ohio flipped classroom with ShowMe


Meet one of ShowMe educators, Heidi Herr who has been teaching middle school and high school math and science at a rural private school in Ohio for 20 years. Heidi is an educational technology enthusiast who uses various apps and programs to teach content. Among apps, she has introduced in her classroom Heidi points out Edmodo and Google Apps. Her students use Chromebooks for online activities.

ShowMe has been present in Heidi’s teaching process inconsistently for 4 years. She admits “This is the first year that I have used it to create content every day for my middle school math classroom.” When asked how ShowMe changed the way she teaches Heidi says, “The students watch the content at home and keep a notebook. In the classroom, then, I am able to watch them work the problems and catch any misunderstanding of the material.”

Heidi proves that a flipped classroom is a great method where students watch lessons at home instead of doing homework! Teachers save the precious time they have with students. They can spend it on solving problems instead of explaining the topic. It needs to be mentioned that ShowMe can be used not only by teachers but also by students! It can be a great way for assignment delivery and group projects. ShowMe provides users with a Groups feature where students can collaborate seamlessly, upload their creations, or edit teacher’s posts.

We asked Heidi if she has any tips for teachers who just start using an interactive whiteboard in their classroom, she recommends “Don’t be discouraged in the first 5-10 videos created, it becomes easier.” She also advised stopping being a perfectionist about the content, “I tell my students to watch for any errors and let me know. They are less fearful about making mistakes themselves.”

Heidi also admits that time is definitely the greatest factor in creating flipped content. She creates 3-8 minute videos every day for my middle school math students to watch. A short timing of a video lets to keep students’ attention and keep them focused.

Would you like to start flipping your classroom and create awesome videos, just like Heidi does? Check out tips on how to use an interactive whiteboard and mirror it on a big screen!
