The Future of Education
I’m pretty sure I’ve written a post about this before, it’s something lots of people are thinking about: What is ... -
Monday reading list
We had a long and restful weekend here at ShowMe HQ which means, it’s the perfect time to get caught ... -
What does the research say?
I read a lot of studies and surveys. They are in the news everyday and I like to think that ... -
November Roundup
Help make ShowMe better! We’re always looking for ways to improve ShowMe and we’d love your help. As a valuable ... -
Calling all teachers! Nominations needed for TED 2012
It’s hard to escape the undeniable spell that TED videos cast over viewers. Hearing from the top minds is incredibly ... -
Weekly Education Roundup 11/6/11
It’s Sunday afternoon, and the last seven days already feel like a distant memory. We invite you to sit down ... -
Friday inspiration!
I try to find at least one inspiring thing a day to fire me up and keep on fighting the ... -
Reevaluation: a characteristic found in great teachers
I read an article recently titled What Makes a Great Teacher, orignally published in The Atlantic about a year ago. ... -
Something about the NYTimes doesn’t compute
There has been much uproar over the recent series of education articles published by the New York Times, Grading the ... -
ShowMe on the Tightwad Teacher podcast!
Last week I had the pleasure of recording a podcast with John Mikulski, a teacher who uses ShowMe in his ...